Thursday, December 11, 2008

This is a video reliating to my post 'ASIA' talking about Islam, the fastest growing religion in the world. There are 3 people talking in this video, all who have converted to Islam.

Friday, December 5, 2008


With a total of over 4 million people, Asia has the highest population in the world. Asia is home to many of the major world religions, such as Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism. These include the fastest growing religion in the world, Islam. Many people in countries in Western Europe and in America are converting to Islam.

The second fastest growing religion in the world is the Baha'i faith. The majority of the population for this religion are in India. It is often considered an Abrahamic religion, although it is very different to any other Abrahamic religions such as Judaism or Christianity.

Some of the main religions in the world, including Christianity, Buddhism and Judaism have all originated in Asia. These have survived a long time, and are all still alive today, in Asia and throughout the world.
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Thursday, December 4, 2008


Europe used to be a place where the main religion was Roman Catholic. Then a guy from Germany, Martin Luther, decided to look deeper into the Catholic Church, and found many faults. The citizens of Germany and other countries were on Luther's side, and he developed a new religion, Lutheranism. This evolved into Protestantism quite quickly, and it spread throughout Northern Europe, whilst Southern Europe remained predominantly Catholic.

However, now Europe has moved into a post-religion stage, where people are making up their own minds about what they want to believe in. Although there is still a large number of Christians, there are also many people who are either agnostic (don't know what they believe) or atheist (don't believe in a God). There are also some minority religions, such as Islam or Judaism, which are generally within smaller immigrant groups. As well as the older religions, there are new religions being taken up by a very small amount of people, such as Scientology.


This is a map of the distribution of all major world religions. Different religions are represented by different colours. This is a clear way of showing the location of different religions.... (Click on the map to see it in greater detail)